Import Definition
Import is a command typically located within a program's File menu (File → Import...). Like the standard File → Open... command, Import is used for opening files, but it serves a more specific purpose. Instead of opening standard file types, Import is often used for importing parts of files, program settings, plug-ins, or other unconventional file formats.
Not all applications include an Import option, since the "Open..." command is often sufficient. Instead, the Import...
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import command
Export Definition
Export Definition
Export is a command usually found within a program's File menu (File → Export...). It is similar to the File → Save As... command, but is typically used for more specific purposes. For example, instead of simply saving a file with a different name or different format, "Export" might be used to save parts of a file, create a backup copy of a file, or save a file with customized settings.
Since the Export command is only used for specific purposes, it is not available in ...
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