Install SQL Server 2016 for System Center Configuration Manager

If you are planning to perform System Center Configuration Manager installation, the first thing which needs to be done before running the SCCM setup will be the SQL Server installation.
Make sure you have installed the .NET Framework 3.5 before starting the SQL Server installation otherwise you will get the installation error. You can install .NET Framework 3.5 from Add Roles and Features under Server ManagerDashboard.
In our demo, we are using Windows Server 2016 Standard Edition as base Operating System for installing SQL Server 2016 Standard Edition.
Before you start, make sure you select the supported SQL Version for SCCM installation. You may refer below link for same:
Supported SQL Server versions for System Center Configuration Manager
Let’s start…
1: Extract or Mount the SQL Server 2016 ISO and run Setup.exe
SQL Server Installation Center page will open.
2: Click on Installation option.
3: Click the New SQL Server stand-alone installation or add features to an existing installation link.
4: Enter the product key and click Next to continue.
5: Accept the License Terms and click Next button.
6: Select Use Microsoft Update to check for updates option and click Next to continue.
7: Setup will check for Install Rules, click Next if there are no Failures.
8: Select below Features and click Next.
- Database Engine Services
- Reporting Services – Native
You will not get option to install Management Tools in SQL Server 2016. We will install SSMS (SQL Server Management Studio) after completing this installation.
Under Instance Configuration you can either select Default Instance or provide Named instance.
9: Select Default instance and click Next to continue.
Under Server Configuration page, specify the service accounts and collation configuration.
As per best practice, it’s advised to use Service account for the Services. Since this installation is for the demo purpose, will leave the Account Name as default.
10: Change the SQL Server Agent Service Startup Type to Automatic.
11: Click on Collation tab and make sure SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_ASDatabase Engine is selected.
12: Click Next to continue.
13: Select Authentication Mode to Mixed Mode and provide sa account password.
14: Click Add Current User button to add the user through which installation is being done as SQL Server Administrator.
Alternately you can add specific users or SQL Administrator group under SQL Server administration option.
15: Click Next to continue.
16: Select Install only option under Reporting Services Native Mode.
17: Click Next to continue.
18: Verify the SQL Server features to be installed and click Install button.
Now sit back and relax, installation might take few minutes to complete based upon your server performance.
19: Make sure all the Features are installed with Succeeded Status, click Closebutton to close the setup window.
SQL Server 2016 installation is complete, now it’s time to install SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS).
1: Click on Installation option under SQL Server Installation Center.
2: Click on Install SQL Server Management Tools.
The option on the SQL Server 2016 Installation Center takes you to a web download.
You can also download the SQL Server at Download SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS)
Once the download completes, you can run the installation standalone without a connection to the Internet.
3: Right click the SSMS setup and click Run as administrator option.
4: Click on Install button.
It will load the packages.
Installation will start and may take 10 -20 minutes to complete, depends upon your system speed.
Restart you server to finish the installation.
That’s it.
We are good to go for System Center Configuration Manager installation.
Hope this helps.