Solaris Definition

Solaris Definition Solaris is the computer operating system that Sun Microsystems provides for its family of Scalable Processor Architecture-based processors as well as for Intel-based processors. Sun has historically dominated the large UNIX workstation market. As the Internet grew in the early 1990s, Sun's SPARC/Solaris systems became the most widely installed servers for Web sites. Sun emphasizes the system's availability (meaning it seldom crashes), its large number of features, and its I...
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OS X Definition

OS X Definition OS X is version 10 of the Apple Macintosh operating system . OS X was described by Apple as its first "complete revision" of the OS since the previous version is OS 9, with a focus on modularity so that future changes would be easier to incorporate. OS X incorporates support for UNIX -based applications as well as for those written just for the Macintosh. One of the most visible differences from earlier Mac OS versions is a desktop with a 3-Dappearance. OS X also includes t...
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Unix Definition

Unix Definition Unix -- often spelled UNIX, especially as an official trademark -- is a multi-user operating system designed for flexibility and adaptability. Originally developed in the 1970s, Unix was one of the first operating systems to be written in C language. The history of Unix In the late sixties, Bell Labs, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and General Electric attempted to develop an interactive time-sharing system called Multics that would enable multiple users to si...
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SUSE Linux Enterprise Server (SLES)

SUSE Linux Enterprise Server (SLES) SUSE Linux Enterprise Server (SLES) is a Linux-based server operating system created and maintained by the German-based organization, SUSE. SLES is designed for mainframes, servers, workstations and desktop computers. SUSE Linux Enterprise Server was initialed released in 2000, and has undergone multiple upgrades since. SUSE released its SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10 in 2006, followed by SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 in 2009 and SUSE Linux Enterprise S...
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Linux operating system Definition

Linux operating system Definition Linux is a Unix-like, open source and community-developed operating system for computers, servers, mainframes, mobile devices and embedded devices. It is supported on almost every major computer platform including x86, ARM and SPARC, making it one of the most widely supported operating systems. How is Linux operating system used? Every version of the Linux operating system manages hardware resources, launches and handles applications, and provides some ...
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Debian Definition

Debian Definition Debian is a popular and freely-available computer operating system that uses the Linuxkernel and other program components obtained from the GNU project. Debian can be downloaded over the Internet or, for a small charge, obtained on CD. As Open Sourcesoftware, Debian is developed by over 500 contributing programmers who collectively form the Debian Project. New releases are provided from time to time. Ongoing service is available through subscription to a mailing list. Deb...
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TailsOS Definition

TailsOS Definition TailsOS is a LiveDistro-based operating system that is configured to run from removable storage and to leave no information stored on the computer after the user’s session. A LiveDistro is a distribution of an operating system on some bootable storage medium. The operating system and associated applications run from the storage device. Unless the user initiates a change to the host system, such as saving a file to local storage, no changes are made. Any file that ordin...
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